
Hi! I'm Jen.

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2020 Review — The year of alignment

Happy Wednesday. March is my "month of contemplation" as another year is added to my time on earth. It's the time of the year where I retreat and dedicate time to my Annual Review — reflecting on the year that has passed, diving into memories and taking a closer look at everything that shaped the year for me. I didn't take Annual Planning & Review seriously until 2018 when I decided to integrate it into my life... It's one of those things I heard about for years in the personal development...

Howdy, it's Jen here from a new decade :) Yup, I ventured into the "naughty forties" last Tuesday (9th). Turning 40 is something I've been looking forward to for a while and now it's finally here! Can't say I'm a fan of grey hairs though, so I'm telling myself it's an indication of 'wisdom' ;) Just over a week before the big day, I felt the call to rewrite the longest and most personal article I've ever written called "Overcoming My Fear of Writing". (4,500 words) I wrote that sucker 6 months...

Welcome to the year of the Ox. As planned... I didn't slow down in Dec/Jan and full throttled into 2021 to build momentum. With the biz dev ground work I spent the second half of 2020 doing out of the way, I was finally ready to "become visible" and start running with my official offer. To me, that means starting with the basics. It means becoming visible to the people I already know in my existing network, so I am back on their radar. The truth is... over the last couple of years, I haven't...

So... just one more week until 2020 is behind us. First up, apologies for the radio silence. I've been MIA for close to 3 months... yikes. 4 weeks ago, 2 people on my email list noticed my "silence" and reached out to see what is up. I have to say... it's nice to be missed. It's nice to know people like receiving my emails. Which reminded me why I'm working so hard to create the change I want to see in the world... Work that is valued by others and work that is meaningful. Here's the...

I had an unexpected day where I didn't end up doing much of what I had planned to do. Today was the last session of a 5 Week PKM (personal knowledge management) course that I've taken twice this year to increase my skill of managing information and boost my personal productivity. After hearing shares of people’s breakthroughs, I fumbled through an emotional share of my own... trying my hardest to hold back tears as I tried to talk in front of 200+ people across the world on zoom... One of the...

Howdy! Oct 1st is here! We literally only have 3 months left of 2020! If you were wondering when the 5 Day Everlasting Content Challenge will be happening again... it will be in late Oct. In just a few weeks time! I'll be sending out more details about it soon. Please sit tight :) In the mean time, I published a new article yesterday which took me 2 weeks to write and edit... It's 4,500+ words... it's a big one. A labour of love. Actually... come to think of it, the articles I publish on my...

Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we have just a little over 3 months left of 2020?! Or maybe I'm just getting old... Time is the same for everybody, yet we feel how fast or slow it moves depending on where we are in life and what we're doing. Now that we're inching towards the end of 2020... My brain has been nagging at me to plan out the last quarter of the year for my business for the last 2 weeks. Planning has become more important now that my new business is in motion. Because I want to...

This past week has been super interesting, as I promoted my very first offer 'launch style' for my brand new True North Business. Brought your popcorn? Today's edition is a juicy one! :) There were a lot of 'firsts' for me in the last 2 weeks. I have never: Written a guest post for anybody (writing has always been a lifelong weakness/battle/challenge/pain-in-the-ass problem) Launched and promoted an offer 'online marketing style'. I've seen and experienced plenty of launches in the last 10...

A lot has happened in 2 weeks. This week is already on a different level as I went into "launch mode". I officially started marketing and promoting my 5 Day Challenge starting next Thursday, September 3rd. There is nothing like deciding on a date and using that as a "forcing function" to launch your baby out in the world... I am literally flying by the seat of my pants. And executing things as inspiration comes or as needed... I only started marketing this Tuesday cus last week was a bit...

Happy Thursday! My newsletters are becoming random... there is no "set day" that I send them out. Particularly evident in the last few editions. It's because of 2 main reasons: Health issues I'm still healing from -- I never know when my headaches will pay me a visit. So when they do, I'm unproductive for 2 days. Not much to report business wise -- I only want to send out a newsletter when I have something worth sharing. I don't want to write a newsletter for the sake of writing a newsletter....